Militants shelling attack kills 18 Syria servicemen in Latakia Province

MOSCOW, Nov 18: Militants attacked on Saturday Syrian troops in the province of Latakia leaving 18 servicemen dead and one more injured, the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation said.
According to the center’s head Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko, illegal armed formations continue to violate the ceasefire in the Idlib de-escalation zone.
He also noted that militants continued to shell the outskirts of Aleppo and Hama. “As a result of the shelling of Tall-Alush [settlement] in the Aleppo province one Syrian serviceman was wounded. As a result of the shelling of Safsara [settlement] in the Latakia province one Syrian serviceman was wounded and 18 more were killed,” Savchenko said. He added that the Russian servicemen had also held a humanitarian action in the settlement of Salhiyah in the province of Deir ez-Zor having distributed 450 food sets. Another action was held in the Qarim-Hun district, south of the city of Aleppo, with local residents having received a tonne of bread. (AGENCIES)