Mini Bus Workers Union concerns over attitude of Railway authority

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 30: Mini Bus Workers Union, Jammu, expressed serious concern over the attitude of the Railway authorities for not allowing the mini buses of Panjtirthi Railway Station route to enter the Bus Stand of Railway Station.
In a meeting of the Union held here under the chairmanship of general secretary of the Union, Raj Kumar Choudhary, the Union condemned the discriminatory attitude of the railway authority. The meeting observed that due to this decision of railway authorities, the mini-bus operators have to suffer a lot.
Admitting that mini-buses plying on this route only unload and load passengers and tourists at Bus Stand and do not stand for long hours, as the mini-buses are not entitled to pay any parking and they are providing services to the general public, they appealed to the Commissioner, Regional Transport Office, Jammu, to intervene into the matter and solve it.