Mini Secretariat Tral

Local administration of Tral reportedly has been approaching the Government about the hiccups in the construction activities of the Mini Secretariat and pleading for releasing of the funds but of no avail. Erratic , un assured and thereafter total stopping of releasing of funds for this secretariat has increasingly affected its works due to which it is still incomplete. Could it now be listed among the “languishing projects” , the local administration wants it be salvaged through that process and once approval was accorded to that effect, all its ‘vows’ would be over. Jammu and Kashmir Projects Construction Corporation is eager to proceed and pick up its pace of work on the complex but what could be done without funds.
Residents of Tral and adjoining areas are having high expectations from this building as they would be relieved of lot of inconvenience under its one roof and are sore about the policies of the Government in declaring about a project but not supporting the same with requisite funds. We , however, hope that the Government would look into the matter urgently.