Minor girl raped

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, May 12: A minor girl was allegedly raped by youth of the same area at village Satrari, under the jurisdiction of Police Station Majalta.
As per the complaint, 15-year-old minor girl was allegedly kidnapped by the accused when she was sleeping in courtyard of her house on the intervening night of May 7-8. The accused, identified as Mangal Kumar, son of Kapoor Chand of Satrari, took the victim to an isolated place and raped her.
According to Police, the matter was reported to the Police Station today following which a case FIR No 23/17 under section 363/376 was registered.  Police teams have been rushed to different areas for arresting the accused, who was still at large while the victim was sent to District Hospital Udhampur for medical examination.