Mir terms delay in holding polls deliberate move to rule JK from Delhi

Excelsior Correspondent

ANANTNAG, July 8: Former JKPCC president Ghulam Ahmed Mir today said that people of J&K have been pushed towards backwardness after downgrading the full-fledged State into two UTs aiming to serve the divisive agenda of BJP.
Addressing public meeting in Dooru area of Anantnag today Mir said the people have been left at the mercy of bureaucrats, who are not able to address issues and fulfil the requirements in absence of democratic setup in J&K. He said there was an urgent need for holding Assembly elections as that will only ensure proper representation of people at every appropriate forum. The deliberate delay in holding elections and subjugation of democracy and democratic institutions are worrisome.
Former JKPCC chief was on five-day tour of Dooru Assembly segment of South Kashmir. He visited Danvetho, Anderwan, Bonpora, Manzmou, Bakerwal Check, Wangund, Matigund, Saidiwara, Angath Naar, Tengwara, Pranigam and various other far flung areas where he had interactions with various local delegations and received feedback with regard to the problems confronting people.
Mir expressed serious concern over the failures of the Govt to reach out to people to mitigate their sufferings.
He slammed the Centre Govt for delaying elections aiming to rule J&K directly from `New Delhi’, which has badly hit common people of J&K, who are feeling disconnected and neglected on every count. He urged the Election Commission of India to personally intervene and ensure that Assembly elections are held in J&K without any further loss of time, so that people get their elected Govt.
Referring to the developmental issues concerning J&K, Mir criticized the Govt for not fulfilling the requisite requirements of people, be it the construction of roads in far flung areas, be it supply of electricity, be it supply of ration and various other issues besides failing to curb unemployment menace.
Mir told the ruling dispensation that there is a need to work for the betterment of the people and not for the subjugation of democratic institution and democracy.