Mir visits Buddha Amarnath Shrine, reviews arrangements

Excelsior Correspondent
POONCH, Aug 14: The Deputy Chairman Legislative Council Jahangir Hussain Mir visited Shri Buddha Amarnath Shrine today and took stock of the arrangements for pilgrims over there.
Mir met with the members of Mandir management committee and asked them for any sort of service from his end. He also met Swami Vishvatamanand Ji Maharaj and appealed him to deliver his spiritual instructions for the community. He said that the presence of such like spiritual personalities among us is a gift of Almighty and they are the real leaders of the mankind.
Referring and condemning the last evening’s ill incident of Poonch he said that the enemies of India should come to know that they can never succeed in their evil designs as the majority of Indians are of secular character and they believe in oneness of all Indians.
The Swami Ji while talking to Deputy Chairman said that every human being is equal before the Almighty whether he belongs to one or the other faith. He told him that the real service (Seva) of the Almighty is to serve his servants (mankind) irrespective of their caste, creed and colour.
At this occasion, the Deputy Chairman asked Swamiji that the society of Poonch is in dire need of responsible men like him who can play a vital role in the development of traditional communal harmony of Poonch. He said that the people of all the communities of Poonch together can fight with all such ill-fated incidents.
Meanwhile, he also visited district hospital Poonch to know the health conditions of the injured persons of cross-border firing.