Missing of females in Distt. Kathua

For the last one year it has been experienced that females in Kathua Distt are disappearing and missing reports are being registered accordingly.The age group of missing women is between 18-35 years.It is a matter of great concern that number of such missing women may be 40-50. It is not known whether all the missing women have been traced or not.There is no doubt that  police authorities make sincere efforts to trace the missing persons and a  few are traced also.However, there is a need to find out the reasons for missing of females in Border distt of Kathua. There may be some gangs operating who are  enticing the innocent  young women of Kathua and surrounding hilly areas and compelling them for  illegal profession of sex workers etc.
Civil administration which is presently being headed by a very energetic officer who is also recipient of many awards/medals for good governance is also requested to constitute a committee consisting of senior police officers,  officers of Social Welfare Department , prominent citizens and social workers to find out the reasons for missing of young women in the distt; and remedial measures including socio-economic measures may be initiated to arrest such crime being committed against women.
Yours etc…..
SAO (Rtd) New Plots