Misuse of cross-LoC trade

Cross LoC trade was started way back in the year 2008 largely due to the initiatives of India as a giant step towards confidence building measure between India and Pakistan. This trade based purely on old conventional principles of barter system where no money changed hands was with an aim , besides forging friendship with Pakistan, to ‘connect’ the two divided sides of the State of Jammu and Kashmir which got separated as a result of hostilities and aggression thrust on India by Pakistan in 1947-48. It also had potential to generate some pockets of employment locally and result in the economic gains for the people of the state. The trade had touched an annual volume priced at Rs.5000 crore with potential to register continuous growth therein. It has survived spells of tensions between the two countries , again , due to the broadmindedness of Indian side .
Unfortunately, as is wont of the mechanisations of Pakistan and many of its agencies working overboard to indulge in hostile activities towards India , there were complaints and allegations on umpteen occasions that this trade was grossly misused for undesirable and unlawful activities like smuggling in narcotics and drugs, weapons and hawala money transactions. Many a time, a haul of contraband items and drugs too took place and action too was initiated so as to be a deterrent for future. It is in deference to the ongoing fight against terror and terror related violence that any material support like the one under reference, should be tolerated and not stopped forthwith, hence the supply chain of whatever magnitude through this mode to militants and their sympathisers, needed to be blocked. There has been criticism from some quarters from Kashmir valley but purely on political considerations which is unjustified.
It is , however, noteworthy that unscrupulous and anti national elements did not mend their ways and continued to sneak in hawala money and weapons and ammunition from the other side for obvious nefarious designs and plans which was duly probed into by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) with startling findings. It is learnt that many individuals under the perpetual support and sustenance by Pakistan and its various agencies managed to cross over to Pakistani (occupied) side and not only joined terrorist organisations but opened firms, organisations and agencies there with ulterior aims and objectives. They were reported to be engaged in the LoC trade and were using the Uri- Muzaffarabad and Poonch Rawalakote routes for their wicked and devilish acts.
Taking cognizance of the unaffordable and unjustifiable obverse side of this trade, the Central Government has therefore rightly put on hold the LoC trade at Salamabad and Chakkan-da-Bagh in Jammu and Kashmir with immediate effect. It is only the jurisdiction and the domain of the Ministry of Home Affairs to revisit and review the said regulatory mechanism as there could be no scope for any complacency or compromise on the sensitive issue of national security. It may be recalled that these restrictions have been put in place after this country had withdrawn the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to Pakistan as a punitive action following the Pulwama attack on the convoy of the CRPF. The Indian decision has only further worsened to a larger extent, the economy of Pakistan already under tremendous strain and pressure which would not be affected with LoC trade restrictions but was also not any good for it, the entire blame of which must be owned by Pakistan. Needless to add, it should concentrate on strengthening its economy which is presently at the lowest ebb of the GDP growth of 3.5 percent rather than keep on fomenting trouble in any part of Jammu and Kashmir.