Model hospital or diagnostic centre

When proper planning, assessing the needs of the areas, consulting or taking on board people’s representatives and the like are all ignored and by passed by the administration such scenario most often results in the Government’s inability to handle hospitals and allied issues for instance in the area of Dooru Hospital in South Kashmir ‘s Anantnag district, satisfactorily. Should there be more hospitals and not more facilities instead available in a few of them only, should be thought over by the authorities in Health Department in Jammu and Kashmir.
In fact, opening of hospitals should be aimed at towards meeting the needs of the people living there and in nearby areas to their satisfaction and not create a standoff between the administration and the people. Model Hospital Dooru is in a state of not being functional despite its building etc having been completed two years back. Sub District Hospital has been closed due to proximity of hospitals in the area. Instead of a model hospital, people claim that it was merely a diagnostic lab. We urge the authorities to settle the issue at the earliest as both Director Health Services as well District Administration Anantnag have reportedly promised.