Modern life at a glance

                             Prof Javed Mughal
When I look at the current knowledge-laden and so-called advanced society, I feel it was better to be like Adam in Garden Eden than to be an Adam out of it. Purity of thought, the peace of mind, the solace of heart and above all an innate innocence were actually the traits of Adam in Garden Eden and all these traits are the real essence of life. The ,materialistic outlook of life; the  growing ego plaguing our soul;  the continuous pursuit of mortal blesses; the moral degradation; the spiritual degeneration and the cult of dehumanization-all clubbed together have made the entire human life nothing but a despicable spectacle to see. The human society, sans all social monitoring, political leadership, fellow-feelings, filial obedience, paternal affection, fraternal co-existence, has almost transformed into a vanity with all its inhabitants being the mere traffickers of a market where, at present, ‘disappointment, deception, lust and greed, immorality, ethical erosion, selfishness, hedonism, sadism, crime and corruption’ etc are the staples on sale.
The things like humanity, mutual understanding, the sense of renunciation, selflessness, philanthropism, ethics, honesty, purity and asceticism so on and so forth are as extinct as the species of dinosaur. This all is actually linked with the basic human nature and no law, no religion and no philosophy could change because the continuous flux is the very intrinsic nature of humans which even religion can’t transform since the religion can transform one outer only. It can compel one but not convince to remain in limits. And the forcibly imposed checks and balances can keep one controlled for no longer time. The modern heart-rending aspect of human life reminds me of Shakespeare, “the life is tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.” Human mind has become a jungle, anything can grow, get chopped, wild thoughts running, and the so called logic that brings confusion and chaos. There is a battle each day to break away from rigid logic and feel the freedom of the soul. Man’s debates, analysis, researches have all been challenged by nature, yet man swings with the pendulum of his destiny.  He lives in a helpless state. He carries with him the memory of the past in his subconscious mind that is attached to his soul.  The floppy from within keeps releasing the situations, events one has to go through in life. Where is the free will? While executing the thoughts during events, one has the free will to choose the right way to act and bring happiness to the conscience.  The real jungle has a method, discipline of the divine, they accept the natural course of events; the mind of man travels in the dark zone of satisfying his ego and basic senses. The fact that we can talk about the evolution of man means there is awareness in everyone’s mind about the deviation from nature. Our acknowledgment of the divine and service to humanity recharges the energy of the nature to protect us.
It is cosmic science- any energy that is consumed has to be replaced with more fuel. Collective energy is needed to save the world today. Global anarchy, calamities, earthquakes are essential proofs of lack of positivism on the earth.  For example-why do the doctors give vitamins to us after certain age? We need to substitute the lost energy and balance. The natural resources have been recklessly consumed by man for centuries, man has to pause and think. What are we leaving behind for posterity-mere bank balance, business and material values? Where is the fresh air to breath, good mind to think, pleasant world to live? The tragedy of human life is that the mind lives in opposites-love connected with hate, health with disease, happiness with sorrow. There is a silence beyond these opposites and man needs to experience it in his life time. There are no strangers in this world; everyone is bound by the same cosmic energy. There is a purpose in every human relationship. Man creates barriers by self created differences to satisfy his ego. The environment cannot show the ‘real’ you; self acceptance comes when one is alone. No one can return home in a crowd. All of us come back alone. Society is afraid of individuals and uniqueness because that means somebody has become independent of the crowd, organization, scriptures, dogmas customs and meaningless groups.
The moment we are relaxed, silent in the mind, there is great insight that helps us to rediscover ourselves. Every morning we open our eyes-the room is the same, every night we close our eyes, our dreams are different. That which remains constant is ‘real’ that which changes is a dream. Mind wanders and changes but the inner spirit of man is real and it connects with the rest of the world.  We need to throw our personality across the room and gaze at it; we will gain the freedom that will protect us from the opposite emotions of the mind. Life and death are unfathomable, let us improve our living on this planet instead of challenging the nature. We possess an inward heritage of divine consciousness enough to bring the world back to the golden age. Know yourself and be there; happiness will be around you. Confidence, courage, faith and sublime quality recharges the energy needed to save man from any crisis. There is a thrill to find out who you are in this world!