Modernizing higher education

The State has to keep pace with global advancement of modern education. We are still far behind that destination. The speed with which the State is tackling the issue will not help. By the time we arrive at the next stage, the world of modern education takes several leaps forward. Computer is playing immensely important role in bringing higher educational standard to the doorsteps of our student community. The Higher Education Department will have to take drastic steps in modernizing entire gamut of education at higher level. The fact is that the level of research conducted in our universities is not up to the mark. This was reflected upon by the Prime Minister in one of his speeches some time back. The faculty and research quality both need drastic reform and upgrading. The Chief Minister has constituted high level committee of administrative secretaries to Education Department to examine recommendations made by various sub-groups of Advisory Council. That is all commendable. But the question is that deliberations of these committees and their reporting are a time consuming exercise. We are already lagging far behind the advanced countries and we should stop indulging in time wasting exercise. We cannot afford it because our youth will not allow us the luxury of wasting time in procrastinated deliberations without delivering the goods.