Modernizing Horticulture

Horticulture is a major industry in Kashmir region. So are handicrafts and tourism. These sectors contribute to the economic prosperity of the State. When we want these or any other industry to grow to the extent that they become essential to the economic growth of the State, then of course the question is of giving them full modern shape and using scientific methods of developing them productively. Essentially it is the apple industry that has enormous potential of growth owing to the climate and soil needed for the growth of this industry. Apple industry in the developed countries of the west and also in Australia or Japan and China has been modernized to maximum and Kashmir apple industry stands nowhere in comparison to them. For example, apple production per hectare of land in Australia is in the neighbourhood of 70 tons whereas in Kashmir it is 9.5 tons. This much may be said about the production rate. There are other important factors that, too, will have to be taken into account. Foremost is that of using scientific methods of saving the apple and apple tree from catching disease which destroys the crop and shortens the life of the fruit. It is not an encouraging story to say that despite having two agricultural universities in the State, the researchers have not been able to produce pest controlling chemicals that would effectively control the diseases like scab. Secondly, the researchers have not been able to produce solution to improving the quality of the apple in terms of colour, taste and size. Then is the question of gradation which is given full consideration in developed countries. The apples are to be graded according to size and colour and other properties.
The Chief Minister was reflecting on the horticulture production while laying foundation for controlled atmosphere storage in the industrial area of Lassipora. The purpose of cold storage is not only to preserve the fruit for longer time which in itself is of utmost importance. The purpose of cold storing the fruit is also to find suitable time for its marketing so that the growers are able to get reasonably good price for their commodity. There are certain occasions like festivals when there is much demand for the fruit in the market and consequently there is sharp rise in the market. At the same time there are other occasions when there is glut or surplus supply in the market and the price falls. These situations need to be controlled and that can happen only when cold storage facilities are available right at the origin or main supply depots. But the problem cannot be solved by having a couple of cold stores and dumping the fruit in them for use at proper time. The cold storing mechanism have to be available to almost all producers throughout the Valley which means that there should be district or even tehsil level cold storage system so that apple growers can keep the product safe in these stores and take it out for sale at proper time. This has to be an industry on a large scale and then alone can horticulture become a viable industry to lend full support to the economic growth of the State.
With the railway link between the Valley and the rest of the country being established in near future, horticulture industry in the State can envision great prosperity and a revolution of sorts. The problem of transportation will be overcome to a large extent which in turn will reduce dependence on cold stores for too long a time. It has also to be remembered that a cold store can function properly only when there is uninterrupted power supply to the plant. It means that unless power supply position improves, building a cold store does not serve the full purpose.