Modi Govt lacks policy to deal with Pak: PCC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 28: No one ever had any doubt over the valour  and bravery of our jawans and the capability of our Armed forces to teach a lesson to the enemy of our nation and forces have done it in the past and would do it again, as when needed and directed to do so, but any kind of political use of the achievements of Armed forces, is unprecedented in the history of our nation and any such thing would be very fraught with dangers and serious consequences.
While reacting to the recent  statement by Modi Government to seek credit for success of Army to strike against Pak on Sept 29,  2016,   PCC chief  spokesperson  Ravinder Sharma  said it is an established fact now that several times in the past also similarly actions across borders were conducted by the Indian Army during pervious regimes including Dr Manmohan Singh and Atal Behari Vajpayee  but it was never announced in such a manner. Since BJP and Prime Minister Narendra  Modi had made tall claims to show Pakistan its place, before general elections in 2014, it became political compulsion of Modi Government to publically announce the achievement of Army in the shape of surgical strike in view of large scale anger against the Modi Government because of continued attacks by terrorists and Pakistan. It is unfortunate that when general elections are drawing near, Modi Government has again started using it for vote bank politics. This kind of politics would be setting a wrong precedent and exposed BJP, to what extent it can go for political gains.
Modi Govt cannot hide its failures on Pakistan during over four years of its rule as the figures of our martyrs in the record number of  border firing, is live evidence of Modi Government’s failures. Why Modi  undertook an unscheduled visit to Lahore amidst continued all time high incidents of Pak shelling and series of increased terrorist attacks on Jammu and Kashmir, Congress questioned, BJP, while lauding the Armed forces for their bravery.