Modi Govt restored people’s faith in polity: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a public gathering at Akhnoor on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a public gathering at Akhnoor on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Avtar Bhat
AKHNOOR, June 11: Lavishing praises on Indian Army, Union Minister in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today lambasted the so called intellectuals who criticize the role of forces and raise fingers on them.
Addressing a mammoth public gathering at Akhnoor in connection with Modi Fest  organized to celebrate completion of three years of Narendra Modi led Government at Centre, Dr Jitendra Singh said “we are proud of Army and indebted to them for their services and criticizing the role of Army, who are guarding our borders round the clock, is a sin. There will be no compromise over Army and no body will be allowed to denigrate their role.”
The Union Minister also lauded the role of border people saying that “you too guard the borders along the Army personnel round the clock.” The function was organized by BJP Akhnoor Unit.
Maintaining that Kashmir is integral part of India like Bihar and UP, Dr Jitendra Singh took a dig at those who say that Kashmir issue is to be settled. He said that if there is any dispute that is over the PoK which is under forcible occupation of Pakistan and “we are committed to retrieve that portion of J&K which was part of Maharaja’s State.”
Lambasting previous Governments at Centre, Dr Jitendra Singh said that they were marred by scams and corruption and the present Union Government led by Narendra Modi soon after taking the oath of office said that “my Government is dedicated to poor which no one trusted at that time. But we stand vindicated as every policy and programme framed by the Modi Gover-nment at Centre were focused on poor.”
Dr Jitendra Singh while taking the previous Govern-ments to task said that people of the country had lost trust in polity and politicians and the same was restored by Modi Government after coming to power three years back and people of country trusted it.
This Government changed the work culture in the country which is a great achievement, he added.
Asserting that there will be no compromise on terrorism and cross border firing, he said that this is the first Government which retaliated Pakistan firing with full might and professionalism.
Lashing out at National Conference (NC), he said earlier its leaders when in power were saying cross the LoC and smash terror camps in PoK and Pakistan. “When we did and retaliated with force they started opposition. When NC leaders are in power they say Kashmir is integral part of India and when in opposition they speak another language”, he added.
He asked the stone pelters that before taking stones in their hands at the insistence and instigation of separatist leaders they should ask them to send their own children also in this so called Jehad if it is so supreme and they are so concerned otherwise don’t misguide the youth and destroy their future.
While highlighting the various public welfare schemes launched by Modi Government, said they were framed on focusing poor. Referring to Jan Dhan Yojna, he said any one could open their accounts with zero balance but maintaining their self esteem the poor people opened accounts by depositing handsome amount.
He said people trusted Narendra Modi to such an extent that after demonetization they sat in long queues for exchange of notes and faced all problems but never questioned the decision. “Such a revolutionary decision could not have been taken by any Prime Minister that too on that occasion when the elections to five States were round the corner,” he added.
He said when Prime Minister was asked by some partymen about the decision that it may boomerang, Modi Ji replied that “we are not for running the Government but the nation”.
“It was because people trusted the dedication and honesty of Prime Minister,” Dr Jitendra Singh added.
He said even the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi after victory in Bangladesh war in 1971refuted to take the decision to ban currency notes after her senior Ministerial colleague Y B Chavan advised her that the Government should go ahead with note ban to dealt a jolt to black money hoarders. “Mrs Gandhi opposed saying that don’t you want that Congress should win elections in future”, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said BJP is the party which is dedicated to serve nation and it has given many sacrifices for the national cause since its formation. It is the only BJP where a common man can become Prime Minister, Minister or a head of the party and without naming Congress, he said it is not possible in dynastic parties where leaders come from the top.
Terming Modi era emergence of grass root level democracy,  theUnion Minister said both Prime Minister and Party chief Amit Shah are from common Indian families. Maintaining that youth has a great role to play in changing the fate of the nation, Dr Jitendra Singh said 65 percent of the youth in the country is below 40 years of age and in recent UP Assembly and Delhi Municipal elections the youth voted above caste and religious lines because they don’t believe in the traditional politics.
He said Modi Government is very much concerned for the welfare of people of J&K and for the development of the State he sanctioned Rs 80,000 crore package. The compensation of border victims was hiked to Rs 5 lakh by the Central Government while Jammu migrants’ relief was also made at par with Kashmiri migrants and this too was done by Union Government.
He said the Yuvani Services in Jammu which were to be closed by June 2 in 2014 continued, IIT Jammu and two AIIMS to State were given by the present Union Government.
Referring to construction of AIIMS in the State, he, however cautioned the people that “we have not to construct the buildings but ensure how the hospitals will become the prime institutes and make provisions how outside doctors will show willingness to serve in the State.”
Dr Jitendra Singh said that Narendra  Modi Government’s coffers are open for the State and PM has himself declared the same “but we should have capacity to take advantage of it.”
Dr Singh said that community bunkers are being constructed on IB and LoC. On four lanning of Akhnoor road, he said that State Government should expedite framing of DPRs.
He said the compensation given to PoK refugees is not final installment and admitted that the procedure for release of compensation needs to be simplified by State Government and the money be transferred in the accounts of the refugees to avoid malpractice.
He also assured the MLA Akhnoor Rajiv Sharma that he will take up the issue of Female Multipurpose Health Workers with State Health Minister Bali Bhagat.
He also criticized those who propagate that nothing has been done for the State and referred to the reference made by Prime Minister in his Man ki Baat twice once about  Kathua and second time on Reasi.
Addressing the gathering Vice Chairman Kissan  Advisory Board Daljeet Singh Chib highlighted various development yojnas started by Modi Government for the welfare of the poor and farmers.
MLA Akhnoor Rajiv Sharma highlighted various problems of the people of the area and demanded that immediate steps be taken in starting work on four lanning of Akhnoor road, construction of Jammu-Poonch Railway line, special recruitment drive be launched for appointment of local people in Army, construction of auditorium in Akhnoor and pacca bunkers for border firing victims.
He also highlighted various developmental initiatives taken by the Modi Government and coalition of the State for the welfare of the people.
MLA Khour Krishan Lal also highlighted the achievements of Modi Government and stressed on launching of recruitment drive for local youth in the Army. BJP secretary SureshSharma also addressed the gathering.
Others who were present included Mahant Rameshwar Dass, Mahant Ramanand,  BJP vice president and ex MLA Bharat Bushan, BJYM State chief Dr Ajay Mangotra, District president BJP Manmohan Singh etc.
Earlier, Dr Jitendra Singh was given a tumultuous reception by BJP and BJYM activists and he was taken into a grand motor cycle rally from Akhnoor bridge to venue of public gathering.