Modi to rejig Cabinet tomorrow

New Delhi : The much-awaited Cabinet reshuffle will take place tomorrow  ahead of the monsoon session of Parliament, as, besides possible changes in the portfolios of some ministers and induction of new faces,  the vacancy caused by the resignation of  Mr Srabananda Sonowal following his installation as Assam Chief Minister, is also to be filled.         The expansion of the Cabinet, which was on the cards before Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves on visit of four African countries on July 7,  was confirmed by DG PIB Franak Naronha through a tweet here this morning.         Mr Modi had last week reviewed the performance of various ministers at a marathon meeting that lasted  over four ?hour and also held consultations with the ruling BJP chief Amit Shah.          It is likely that besides induction of some new ministers, mostly from Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand which are going to polls early next year, some of the ministers might be asked to exit and take up organisational work in the party. However, no changes are expected in the key ministries         At present, the Union Council of Ministers has 64  ministers , including the Prime Minister.       These include 27 cabinet ministers, 12 ministers with independent charge and  25 in the rank of minister of state. (Agencies)