Modi, Xi discuss efforts to deepen ties

BEIJING: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today congratulated Chinese President Xi Jinping over phone on his re-election for another five years and discussed efforts by both the countries to enhance high-level exchanges and deepen bilateral cooperation.

Modi is perhaps the first foreign leader to have spoken to Xi as the Chinese President began his second five-year term after his election by China’s Parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), which concluded its annual session today.

The two leaders held the telephonic conversation at Modi’s invitation, state-run Xinhua news agency reported, a day after the Indian Prime Minister congratulated Xi on Chinese social media.

Both India and China are ancient civilisations with global influence, Modi said, adding that India will work with China to enhance high-level exchanges, deepen bilateral ties, strengthen coordination and cooperation in international affairs to further a closer developmental partnership between the two countries and promote global and regional peace and development, according to the report. (AGENCIES)