Mohinder Nagar residents facing shortage of water

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 11: The inhabitants of Old Mohinder Nagar, near Canal road are facing acute scarcity of drinking water for a fortnight now.
The residents said the problem surfaced since the motor developed sang about a fortnight back and water supply has been disrupted in the area putting the people to lot of trouble.
The residents said though they took up the issue with concerned authorities’ number of times but to no avail. They said the motor was replaced with a low capacity one due to which it could not cater to the needs and water supply has been affected in the area totally.
The residents have made an appeal to Chief Engineer Jal Shakti Jammu to take immediate cognizance of the problem and issue directives to the concerned officers to install a high capacity motor for water supply to the area so that people are relieved of unnecessary problem which can aggravate in the coming Summer.