Since the dawn of the civilisation moral values have been occupying significant place in the society. Laws and moral values are almost identical for a good social order with the difference that the former are legally enforceable whereas the later depend on the individuality or nature of a man. Morality constitutes in love, sacrifice, dedication, honesty kindness, non-violence etc A man who is observed with these virtues is considered to be morally sound. Morality, teaches one to be God fearing and loving towards all regardless of caste, colour and creed. Service of mankind is service of God should be one’s motto in life. Character of an individual is formed by cultivation of moral and social values. The present day upheavals , rape and murders, scams and embezzlements, frauds and cheatings, violence and all sort of unbecoming activities are consequent to erosion in such values.
Disintegration and lack of harmony and love even among real brothers indicates how one has gone greedy and self-centres. The plight of oldies is also a beggar’s description. Old Age Homes established here and there speak volumes how our oldies are ill treated by their own progeny having Sarvan Kumar like sons who carried his blind old parents on shoulders to pilgrimage is like day dreaming. Immorality has rendered every one restless and mentally disturbed. Soured relations within a family and with neighbours create highly unpleasant and sorrowing atmospere. A man of character is the noblest creation of God. Therefore significance of moral values can’t be exaggerated.
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)