More GI tags for J&K products

More GI tags for J&K products

In a significant milestone, Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft from the Rajouri district and Mushqbudji Rice from the Anantnag district have been granted the prestigious Geographical Indication (GI) tag. This achievement is the result of a collaborative effort initiated amidst the challenging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Following an extensive legal process, these two products have now successfully obtained the GI tags, with NABARD’s invaluable support. The Chikri Wood Craft of Rajouri and Mushqbudji Rice have evolved into distinct brands, poised to harness economic advantages. This procedure is intricate, demanding thorough documentation along with precise evidence to substantiate the asserted attributes of these products. The journey is marked by its time-intensive nature, allowing ample opportunity to scrutinise and contest the assertions made. However, once the GI tag is granted, its significance becomes indisputable.
Under the umbrella of GI tagging, the reproduction of these unique products beyond their specified geographical areas is prohibited. This protective measure serves as a barrier against unauthorised utilisation by external entities, thereby amplifying export potential, enhancing global brand visibility, and, in turn, fostering economic well-being for producers and their affiliated stakeholders. Moreover, this achievement plays a pivotal role in augmenting the nation’s GDP. Collaborations established with countries like the UAE and others hold the potential to extend the reach of these distinctive crafts beyond national confines, fostering their growth on an international scale. Moreover, several additional items are currently in the pipeline for GI tagging, a move aimed at providing even greater recognition to local products. Over the past three years, a substantial effort has been made towards securing well-deserved recognition for the region’s indigenous art, craftsmanship, and goods. The Government’s “one district, one product” approach has served as a strategic means to accentuate locally crafted items at a grassroots level, adding further prominence to their presence. Having acquired valuable experience through this process, officials are now better equipped to facilitate the GI tagging of additional products in the future.