More services under PSGA

Transparency and delivery of services have been the hallmark of PM Modi regime right from day one, providing relief, benefit and ensuring delivery of services to the last man standing in the row. Despite clear instructions from the administration some avoidable delays are there which not only causes inconvenience to the public but are also big hurdle in development of UT of Jammu and Kashmir. Keeping in view all these factors LG administration using provisions provided under Public Services Guarantee Act (PSGA) Section 4 and Sub-Section 2 of Section 4, which allows the Government, from time to time, to specify the services under PGSA and set the maximum time limit, 43 more services of 7 departments have been brought under PSGA. Further under Section 8 of PSGA, First Appellate Authorities and Second Appellate Authorities in respect of each public service have been designated.
Do’s and don’ts of PSGA are well defined and overall aim is to provide the notified services to the public as such it is mandatory to display all information related to notified services at prominent place in the office in English and Urdu and there is no application fee charged for the application or subsequent appeal/ revision. There is nodal officer for these services in each district, twice a year review of all these services notified under PSGA is done to ensure on ground things are shaping up as desired by administration so that purpose of bringing the said services under PSGA gambit is fulfilled. Benefit to poorest among poor has to be ensured at any cost. Administration seems to be very much concerned and serious about single window solution at Industries Department as if it takes months to clear various schemes under special economic package then beneficiary is not able to avail the subsidy provided. If the deserving lower class of society is not able to get Ayushman Card in time then the concept of cheap doorstep health services stands defeated. Revenue department has been under government scanner for a long time due to various other reasons but inordinate delays in issuance of domicile, birth/death and income certificate for economically weaker sections is not acceptable as public gets devoid of the various benefits of government schemes. Environmental degradation is also matter of serious concern and timely corrective measures have to be in place to save it, bringing various services of the concerned department under PSGA is an effort to streamline such actions in time. LG administration is navigating the things to ensure public gets what is due to them in time but UT of Jammu and Kashmir is still many steps behind in number of such services provided as Kerala with 700 plus services, Goa with 500 plus, Maharashtra/Delhi around 400 lead the list of assured services, far ahead of us.
Post abrogation of article 370, J&K is no more fiefdom of inaction, delay and corruption as with addition of these services under PSGA message is clear for all concerned department, they cannot escape with delays and onus lies with them to serve public, no place for complacency and excuses. A peek into the 43 services brought under PSGA shows the intentional delays, subsequent inconvenience to public and loss of face for administration. In this Digital India age there is no scope for services delay or denial, department officials cannot sit on files beyond set time now. From time to time LG administration is course correcting the things and the ultimate reminder is to either provide the services or be ready for punitive action. With the provisions already there for removing deadwood of administration, perform or perish seems to be the official policy now. In reality, addition of more services under PSGA is a boon for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.