MoS Dr Bharati Pawar tests positive for COVID-19

New Delhi, Jan 6: Minister of State at the Union Health Ministry Dr Bharati Pawar has tested positive for the COVID-19, she informed on Thursday.
Taking to Twitter, the minister announced about her infection and urged everyone who came into her contact to undergo the COVID-19 test.
“I have tested positive for COVID-19 today and have quarantined myself. I request those who came into my contact in recent days to get themselves tested and follow the disease prevention guidelines,” Pawar posted on Twitter.
With the rapid surge in daily positivity, India is witnessing an unprecedented pace in the rise of COVID-19 cases.
In the last 24 hours, the daily cases have spiked by a whopping 50 per cent suggesting that the doubling rate has reduced to two days nationally. More than 90,000 people were reported to have tested positive in the last 24 hours against 58,000 reported on Tuesday, according to Union Health Ministry’s figures. (AGENCIES)