Mother’s Day

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji
Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world, honouring the motherhood. The relation of a mother and a child is a sacred one and full of unconditional love.
If we take an example from life, we see the highest example of worldly love between a mother and a child. We see how the infant can go on pulling its mother’s hair or slapping her, yet anger never touches the mother’s heart. Even if the child comes to her besmeared with filth and grime, she hugs the child close to her. A mother’s love for the child is pure and goes from heart to heart. Greed does not enter the mother-child relationship. A mother sacrifices everything for the child. She will take food from her own plate and give it to the child.
She will take off her own coat to keep her offspring warm. There is no end to the sacrifices a mother makes for her child. In this pure relationship, the mother loses all attachment to everything in life except for the love of her child. When the infant is lying in her arms, she forgets everything else and is absorbed in her love for the child. The mother also loses her ego in this relationship. The mother humbles herself before the child’s wishes and whims and serves him or her selflessly.
We know how tender and warm Mother’s love is. This is the purest form of worldly love which is totally unconditional. As children we must recognise what our mothers do for us, how much they sacrifice for our comforts. As we grow up, we must make sure that we pay back what we owe to our mothers. We can do so by being respectful and loving to our mothers. We must make sure that we acknowledge their efforts and reciprocate with ours.
It is also said that God’s love for his disciples is more than that of a hundred thousand parent’s love for their children. The Almighty God has great abundance of love for all. He does not expect anything from us and only gives, always encouraging us to go within and connect with him.
As we celebrate Mother’s day, we must commit ourselves to reciprocate what our mother’s love on only on the occasion of mother’s day but every day. We must also thank God for he gave us this opportunity of a human life. The best way to give thanks for innumerable blessings and unending love is to lead an ethical, loving life, devoting regular time to meditation practices in order to advance rapidly on the inner spiritual path.