Movement for Peace, KPC for scrapping of Article 35A

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 13: The Movement for Peace, Equality & Justice has disagreed with the views expressed by NC provincial president Devender Singh Rana on Article 35 A and said that the Movement totally disagrees with the statement of the NC leader that Article 35 A is boon for the State especially for Dogras.
In a joint statement Kuldeep Kumar Rao, Ram Singh Chouhan, Gurtaj Singh,  Ram Paul Khajuria said that with this Article only people of Kashmir especially politicians of Valley are being benefitted.
They said in Civil Secretariat 80 percent employees are from Valley, 10 percent are from SCs and 10 percent from other castes. Likewise in the higher education 80 percent lecturers are from Valley and 20 percent from Jammu and Ladakh regions. Same is case with other things and Jammu always faced neglect and discrimination through the hands of Valley politicians hence this Article must be scrapped.
Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) has also strongly advocated for scraping of Article 35 A. In a statement president KPC Kundan Kashmiri said that the Article 35 A was not inserted in the Constitution through proper Constitutional amendment and hence it should be scrapped.
He said abrogation of Article is need of the hour for which the nationalist people of the State have to demonstrate unity irrespective of their political affiliations.