MP Ladakh reviews progress on various schemes in DISHA meeting

MP Ladakh, Jamyang T. Namgyal chairing DISHA meeting at Leh on Friday.
MP Ladakh, Jamyang T. Namgyal chairing DISHA meeting at Leh on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Feb 24: Member of Parliament, Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, who is also the Chairman of the District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA), today chaired a meeting to review the progress achieved under different Centrally sponsored schemes in the Leh district.
MP inquired from the concerned officers in detail about the status of progress achieved so far under the flagship programmes such as, MGNREGA, PMAY-G, SBM-G, PMGSY, JJM, SBM U, PMAY-U, NHM, Poshan Abhyan, PMFBY, PMKKKY, UJAWALA, PMGKAY, NSAP, ICDS, NULM, NRLM, DDUGJY, SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, PMEGP and other Centrally sponsored schemes.
ADDC/ACD Leh, Sonam Nurboo informed about the technical glitches faced in the National Mobile Monitoring System for attendance of labourers engaged under MGNREGA and sought intervention from MP Ladakh for some relaxation owing to the topographical challenges. He also shared that out of 30,000 registered labourers under MNGREGA, Aadhar seeding of 29,000 is achieved enabling Aadhar-based payment as per the guidelines.
Highlighting the importance of SHGs under NRLM/NULM scheme for enhancing livelihood and economic opportunities, MP directed the concerned officials to submit/furnish a detailed report of increase in per capita income of individual working in SHGs at the earliest.
The MP also directed to opt for biodegradable/disposable dustbins as an alternative to plastic bins to achieve goals of Swachh Bharat Mission and Solid Waste Management.
Chief Agriculture Officer, Leh informed that Rs 13.24 crore has been disbursed to a total of 6504 registered farmers under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi in the Leh district. MP Ladakh directed CAO, Leh to cover more water scarce areas under Micro Irrigation plan.
Stressing the potential of Ladakh in food processing, MP directed Chief Horticulture Officer Leh to develop a plan for establishing micro processing units in a decentralised manner in Nubra, Dha-Hanu to reduce wastage of food products. He directed to Horticulture, Industries Department and banking sector to work in coordination to promote food processing units under PMFME scheme to increase employment opportunities.
Executive Councillor Ghulam Mehdi; DC/CEO LAHDC Leh, Shrikant Suse, Senior Superintendent of Police, Leh, P D Nitya; concerned members of DISHA committee and heads and representatives of various departments and agencies attended the meeting.