MS SKIMS moves HC against Director’s decision for snatching his powers

Irfan Tramboo

Srinagar, Feb 24: Medical Superintendent of SKIMS, Soura has filed a petition in the High Court stating that he is being side-lined with powers that should as per rules rest with him, been given to another doctor who is heading the Hospital Administration Department.
In a petition that the Medical Superintendent Dr Farooq Jan has filed through his counsel, it has been stated that the duties of the Medical Superintendent have been assigned by the Director SKIMS to Dr G.H Yatoo, much junior to him.
“Office order No. SIMS 192 (P) of 2020 by virtue of which the duties of the petitioner being Medical Superintendent, SKIMS have been assigned to Respondent No. 3, Incharge HoD, Hospital Administration, is much junior to the petitioner,” the petition reads.
Dr Jan has also stated that in violation of norms, the Director SKIMS Dr A.G Ahangar in the petition has appointed Dr G H Yatoo as Nodal Officer for Ayushman Bharat- Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (AB-PMJAY).
Further, the petitioner states that Dr GH Yatoo also been appointed as the Medical Superintendent of the State Cancer Institute in addition to his duties by the Director SKIMS, while also assigning him the responsibility of functioning as Medical Superintendent of the Maternity Hospital.
The petitioner stated that he has apprised the Director SKIMS of the fact that Dr GH Yatoo has been trying to “bypass him with regard to the administrative duties.”
“That since the day of assigning the charge of the HoD, Hospital Administration to the respondent No.3, the said respondent has been trying to bypass the petitioner with regard to the administrative responsibilities and duties and for which the petitioner has repeatedly represented before Respondent No. 2,” the petition states.
The petition which was heard by Justice Rajneesh Oswal has given the Director SKIMS two weeks to respond to the writ petition. The next date of the hearing has been slated for March 9.
The petitioner has stated that the post of Medical Superintendent is an administrative post and is responsible for administrative affairs of SKIMS and its service areas while as the HoD, Hospital Administration is exclusively responsible for the academic programme of the Department.
“Thus the HoD, Hospital Administration is purely an academic position and has nothing to do with administrative affairs of Hospital,” the petitioner stated.
Dr Jan in the petition has said that the Director SKIMS has been time and again undermining his administrative authority by on and off assigning administrative responsibilities to Dr Yatoo
“…It has been further ordered that Ayushman Bharat Cell established at SKIMS shall function under the direct supervision and control of Respondent number 3 and Respondent No 3 shall directly correspond with the office of the Respondent No 2 for any issues related to the functioning of AB-PMJAY at SKIMS bypassing Medical Superintendent,” the petition states.
As per the guidelines for implementation of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana in public Hospitals in J&K, the petitioner states that the “Medical Superintendent of Hospital has to be Chairman of Executive Committee for issuance of funds which have been totally violated by Respondent No 2.
Further, as per an order issued by the Director SKIMS, Respondent No 3 has been made authorized Signatory in place of Medical Superintendent, SKIMS for release of payment of B-PMJAY beneficiaries.
The petitioner has stated that the Chief Executive Officer AB-PMJAY in a communication addressed to the Director SKIMS directed that the team looking after the implementation of AB-PMJAY right from its inception be continued for the SEHAT Scheme as well.
“Moreover the expertise of the Medical Superintendent may also be utilized for implementation of SEHAT Scheme.”