MSP to continue, farmers misguided by ‘political masters’ : Javadekar

New Delhi: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar briefs the media on cabinet decisions, in New Delhi, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019. (PTI Photo/Subhav Shukla) (PTI10_9_2019_000057B)

CHENNAI: Daring former Congress President Rahul Gandhi for a open debate on the three Farm laws, which was being opposed by farmers in Punjab, Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate  Change and Information & Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar today said  the Centre would solidly stand behind the farmers, who were misguided  by their ‘political masters’.

Addressing the farmers at a function on PM Kisan Scheme at suburban Maraimalainagar, he allayed the fears of farmers and assured that the  Minimum Support Price (MSP) and the Agricultural Produce Market  Committee (APMC) will continue

Reiterating that the government headed by Prime Minister Narendra  Modi “will solidly” stand behind the farmers and the public, he alleged  that “some” farmers protesting against the three Farm laws were being  misguided by their “political masters” and were painting a picture claiming  as if the farmers across the country were with them.

Having a dig at Rahul Gandhi for criticising the farm laws, the Union  Minister said “he (Rahul) appears (in public) once in a fortnight” and  dared him for an open debate on the three laws.”

Stating that farmers in Punjab have received more than double the  amount as MSP during the NDA rule than they had received during  the previous Congress-led UPA regime, Mr Javadekar said their  income has already doubled. ”But still, they are agitating as they  are being misguided,” he added.

He said the nearly month-long protests by the farmers has become  an intense topic for debate across the country because “some  farmers and their political masters have launched the protest in  and along New Delhi, showing as if it was all- India phenomenon  and in the interest of farmers of India.”

“But farmers everywhere are happy with the new laws and the farmers welfare schemes will continue,” the minister said.

He said the farmers in Punjab were “deliberately misguided” that  they would lose the MSP because of the three laws leading to the present protests.

But there was no protests by farmers in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka,  Telangana, Gujarat and Madhya Pradeshas they were not misguided, he said.