Approved in the year 2006, the restoration and preservation of Mubarak Mandi Heritage Complex by Archeological Survey of India, State Archaeological and Culture Departments is hanging fire for so many years. There is hardly any sign of the three agencies taking their assignment seriously despite the creation of a Heritage Society. The Central Government sanctioned more than 84 crore rupees for the project but so far not more than 12 crore rupees could be spent. The result is that cost escalation has not been included in the budget and further release of funds by the Government of India is almost uncertain.
A PIL is under the consideration of the High Court in which the petitioners have prayed for a status report on the work done and the progress likely to be made and the time frame within which the project would be completed. The petitioner says that if the present pace of work is allowed than it may take nearly a century or half to bring the preservation to completion. He has cautioned that the royal complex may not withstand the pressures of weather and vagaries of human nature and may be lost to us. The Mubarak Mandi Complex is unique in many ways and is part of the history of the State. There are precious artifacts in the Dogra museum which need to be displayed properly and in a scientific manner. The precious artifacts, or the valuable manuscripts of works preserved in a bad shape at present cannot survive the pressure of time if these are not displayed in a scientific manner. The court has issued notice to all the three agencies to submit a progress report within two weeks. The court has asked the agencies to raise sufficient funds for the completion of the project besides submitting the report. Jammu people are serious about maintenance and preservation of this monument of historical importance.