Mufti bats for self rule

Excelsior Correspondent
Doda, May 23: Reiterating resolve of his party to make Jammu and Kashmir economically self self-reliant State, patron of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said that the self rule proposal of PDP has potential to write a new chapter of peace and development in this region by giving fillip to the economy of the State.
Addressing a public meeting here today, Mr Sayeed reiterated demand of his party to re-negotiate the discriminatory water agreements signed by the successive National Conference regimes from time to time by brazenly bartering natural resources of the State. “It is our pledge that we will continue our struggle to get these discriminatory agreements revoked to make Jammu and Kashmir economically self-reliant”, he said while highlighting Self Rule document of the party, adding, “had successive NC regime not surrendered our natural resources in such a reckless manner for enjoying power, the State would have been economically self-reliant”.
“In our Self Rule document, we have promised to re-negotiate the discriminatory water agreements”, he said, adding, “whenever any talks would be held in future to address internal dimension of the problem of Jammu and Kashmir, PDP would vociferously take up the issue of re-negotiating discriminatory water agreements”.
Pointing towards availability of natural resources in the form of water, he said, “we would have been in a position to generate surplus power from our rivers and sell it to generate earnings for wide-ranging development and welfare works”. He, however, regretted that National Conference regimes had systematically sold out this most valuable resource just for political power and deprived the State for taking benefit of such resources. He added that it was unfortunate that a State so rich in resources, that it could be cash surplus, was converted into a virtual begging bowl as a result of wrong decisions of NC leadership.
Referring to the acute backwardness of the Chenab Valley region, the Mufti said it was ironical that while most parts of the subcontinent were benefited by the water flowing from it, the region itself was steeped in to darkness and backwardness. “Due to availability of natural resources Chenab Valley is strategically the most important place in the whole sub-continent but this region remained neglected and ignored”, he maintained and said that successive National Conference regimes were responsible for the backwardness and underdevelopment of this region.
“It was only during PDP led regime the Chenab Valley region was brought on the map of development but after formation of the present Omar Abdullah led Government all developmental projects have been stopped”, he said and reminded the gathering during PDP led regime various developmental projects were initiated in this belt, which was ignored and neglected by the successive National Conference regimes for decades together.
Reiterating his party’s resolve to ensure justice to all regions, he said the Self Rule proposal was about empowerment of all sections of society irrespective of cast creed or religion. Regions like the Chenab Valley would be given the adequate powers to empower the people to plan and execute development projects at local levels.
While calling upon the residents of Doda to endorse policy and programmes of PDP, he exhorted party workers to educate the people about Self-Rule document of the party. He said that PDP’s agenda was formulated by incorporating wishes and aspirations of all regions and sub-regions.
Highlighting achievements of previous PDP led Government; Mufti said that biggest achievement of his Government was that it had earned credibility of the people.
“It was all due to the credibility of the PDP that previous NDA regime headed by Atal Behari Vajpayee and present UPA Government led by Dr Manmohan Singh whole heartedly supported initiatives taken by us for restoring peace in this region”, Mr Sayeed said and added that his party had changed mindset of BJP leadership and recalled  the historic rally of then Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee in Kashmir on April 2003 when he had extended hands of friendship towards Pakistan at the time when tension was running high on the borders.