Mufti blames ‘non-state actors’ for Kathua terror attack

Blaming non-state actors for the Kathua terror attack, Chief Minister Mufti Mohmmad Sayeed today warned them saying that the will of the people cannot be weakened by any gun.
“I want to warn those people (who engineered the terror attacks) that the will of the people cannot be weakened by any gun. I want to send them a message they should not create any hurdles in this (path of democracy),” Mufti told the Assembly here.
He was replying to motion of thanks on the Governor’s address to joint session of the State legislature here.
Reacting to the terror attack, Mufti said “we have a strong resolve that we have come to change the history of J&K. We want to make J&K hub of peace and normalcy. Nobody can stop us”.
Mufti blamed non-state actors for the Kathua terror attack.
“This incident which has taken place…Is it suicide attack or what… I do-not know. Why is this happening…What are their designs…,” he said.
“A democratic process has taken place that people of J&K has come forward and taken part in the these elections and our endeavor is to create an environment of peace and normalcy. Is it they want to do…,” he said.
The chief minister hit out at the non-state actors for their design to derail the peace process and said “these are same forces which you can see worldwide… In Syria and Iraq… Everywhere something new. This is not in the Islam what they are doing… Islam is message of peace”.
“I want to say that the House should take a notice of it… This might be work of non-state actors. We should take on board Pakistan, which itself is facing a major war (of extremism). If there are some non-state actors, there also, they should be isolated,” Mufti added. (AGENCIES)