Mufti hopeful of Modi govt finding a solution to K-problem

SRINAGAR :  Congratulating Narendra Modi for his party’s landslide victory in Lok Sabha polls, Peoples Democratic Party patriarch Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said he was hopeful the new BJP government would take tangible steps in finding a lasting solution to the Kashmir problem.
In a statement here, the PDP leader said he further hoped the Modi government would pursue an agenda which would be “politically-inclusive and developmentally-intensive”.
“We congratulate Modi and his party on their outstanding victory. We hope his developmental agenda is intensive and his political agenda inclusive.
“That is what is needed and expected of him in his new role,” said Sayeed, whose party bagged all the three Lok Sabha seats in Kashmir.
The former Chief Minister hoped the new dispensation at the Centre would make efforts to find a lasting solution to the Kashmir problem.
“I hope the new government, under the leadership of Modi, will take tangible measures to address the causes of alienation and trust deficit in Kashmir and work towards finding a long-lasting solution to the problem plaguing the region for the past more than six decades,” he said.
Modi had earned the political and electoral legitimacy to be the Prime Minister in view of the decisive mandate given to his BJP by the people, Sayeed said.
“People have given a decisive mandate to the BJP for a strong and stable government. Modi has got the political and electoral legitimacy to head the new government. We must all respect this legitimacy that has been accorded to him by the people of the country,” the PDP patron said. (AGENCIES)