Munshi Chak residents for eviction of real encroachers

Excelsior Correspondent
Jammu, May 31: A meeting of Mohalla Welfare Committee, Munchi Chak and Anti Encroachment Front Jammu was held today. The meeting was attended by large number of people besides committee members. It appreciated efforts of JDA  espacially the vice chairperson for personally monitoring the anti encroachment drive from the day it started. However meeting regretted that instead of evicting the real 76 encroachers, many  innocent people with proper revenue record have been harrased and made to suffer a huge loss for no fault of theirs that too  without serving a notice as warrented under rules. On the other hand  out of 76 real  encroacher listed by JDA  itself, hardly 25 % have been evicted. People also  urged the adminstration to identify the suitable place for rehablitation of these nomads out side Municipality, where ample space for fodder and grazing of cattle  can be provided without affecting people of other sections of society as life style of these people is contrary to municipal locality.
Meeting demanded that People  having  valid   revenue record and those cultivating land for more than 50 years  be compensated. It is quite surprising that encroacher with hardly six year possession  are being considered by giving 35 kanals prime  land  though temporarly,but local  people having possession of land for more than 50 years and others with valid land Registration are being ignored.
Meeting further alleged that pacca houses of local people with valid land record have been demolished but not even a single pucca house of encroachers has been touched which depicts partial attitude of the authorities concerned and  shows that either the officers at helm of affairs are working under some pressure or willfully trying to protect encroachers. People demanded appointment of a commission to assess the on ground situation so that the order is implemented in letter and sprit.
Meeting further said that claim made by JDA for eviction of land is true to some extent only as most of the area fenced was hardly having any structure on it  and was open land without any encroachment and real encroached area with 75% kullas has not been touched till date.
Prominent among speakers include S. Surinder Singh, S. Balwinder Singh, Dr. Arun Jandial, S.  H. S. Sudan, S. Santokh Singh, B.L Tikko, S.Gurdeep Singh, S. Avtar Singh, S. Ajit Singh, B.L Koul, S. Kewal Singh, S. Harbans Singh, M.K. Koul, S Agya Singh, Sham Lal, S. Jaswant Singh and many more.