Neeraj Dubey
Music plays an important part in all our lives. It is very difficult to imagine a world without music. We may choose which kind of music we listen to for our own personal enjoyment but we are also subject to music in all kinds of places. Background music is played in shops, restaurants, hotels, when we are waiting on the telephone for example, and it plays an important part in films and television programmes. Music communicates emotion, thoughts and inspiration transcending race, religion and culture, playing an integral role in the spiritual and emotional well being of our lives. Individuals do not always respond in the same way to a piece of music or a song; it depends on their experience of life, the environment and their personal beliefs and their personal preference. Music is a constant companion on our journey through life. It is present in our celebrations, marking passages and milestones along the way, strengthening and encouraging us. Listening to music, composing and performing can help to answer the questions of who we are, what we stand for and what we value in life, both individually and collectively. It helps us to understand ourselves and others. Steven Fischbacker states: ‘When you hear a certain piece of music your mind is often transported very vividly to a place or a memory that means something to you. Like the sense of smell, songs are highly evocative and can bring back memories of significant times, places and people.’ There are times when we find difficulty in expressing our thoughts and emotions in words. Music is always there to communicate the inexpressible and free the mind from the boundaries of speech and transport us to an alternative place of emotion, rhythm and imagery, thus enabling us to come to accept and come to terms with our emotions and situations. Religious education and music provide important opportunities for spiritual development. Ofsted suggests that different aspects of spiritual development can use creative responses such as music for pupils to express their innermost thoughts and feelings and exercise the imagination, inspiration, intuition and insight. Spiritual development can be encouraged in school by using music in a calm environment to help children respond to the music they hear and to relate it to the world around them and their inner thoughts. These too can be expressed in their own music making and in their choice of music. It can be used as a stimulus for art and creative writing. Music also has an important part to play in collective worship to create an appropriate atmosphere and to enhance the theme. Indian classical music is part of worship as in the Sikh tradition.
They use Kirtan(call and response , chanting of the mantras with instruments and dance) and Bajan(devotional song) during worship in the temple. They use Raga, which is a seven note scale, and Tala, which is a rhythmic pattern of beats accompanied by tabla drums, harmoniums and percussion instruments. An important element of Hindu worship is Bhajari, which means adoration and indicates worship with love. This often refers to devotional singing or the hymns themselves. Music plays an important part in Sikh worship in the gurudwara. The aim of Sikh worship is to give praise to God. The singing or kirtan is very important and plays a major part in the worship. Music Art Sciences is an exact science of sound, rhythm, tone, form and beat. Music is an important part of Christian worship, thanksgiving and celebration showing how worshipers feel towards God. Music unites the congregation so that God is worshiped with one voice. A wide variety of music is used in Christian worship including hymns, psalms, choral music, gospel songs, contemporary music and instrumental music, played for meditation and reflection. Christian music is music that has been written to express personal or communal belief regarding Christian life and faith. Most Christian worship involves singing accompanied by instruments.The Bible has many references to music: dancing, singing and playing instruments.
Despite general perceptions on the matter, the truth is that music is an attribute of the spirit, in other way; we can say that, music is, has been and will always be the voice of the spirit.
The fact that every human being is emotionally and intellectually susceptible to music provides the evidence that music is both, a spiritual manifestation, also a spiritual influence. What our affiliations, our faith’s or philosophies may be, music is one of the most direct windows into our individual spirituality. It represents our innermost emotions. It symbolizes our deepest characteristics. Music is a belief that one can commune with the divine.
Music is a meditation and a prayer, as well as a daily practice & a fun job. All cultures in the world know that music inspires and soothes and it is a part of every religion. Music is like love. The whole world is better because of it. Music is a model for peace and communication, where imagination; teamwork and dedication shine. As a Engineer, Teacher, and a singer, I feel lucky and grateful. Creating & performing music is magical and life altering. Through music, I experience the sensuality of the universe, and the melody and rhythm of life is so rich & full. I love sharing music.