“My father is die-hard Rekha-ji fan”

Jacqueline Farnandez made a rather unremarkable debut with the box office dud Aladdin in 2008. Since then she has come a long way. The actress has had quite a few big releases, which went on to become hits. The former Miss Sri Lanka, who was recently seen opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Roy, spoke to Gaurav Sharma

It has been quite an exciting last few months for you.
Oh yes, of course. It is really turning out to be a good time for me and I hope it continues. I am really having fun doing films, with the audience appreciating my performance. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.
You were crowned Miss Sri Lanka and then you came to India and ventured into films. It has been quite a journey.
I think every one has to struggle and I am lucky that despite having my share of struggles, I got noticed and filmmakers showed their faith in me. In fact I didn’t have to struggle much to get a break in Bollywood. The film almost came to me even without me trying for it. So it was in fact quite easy compared to many but I too had to work hard to prove my worth as an actress. I am still working hard because I have a long way to go. I didn’t have any background in films, language too was a problem for me but I worked hard and people liked my performance.
Language surely was a problem but how did you work on it.
Everyone knows that if one has to make a career in Bollywood, knowing Hindi is a must. It’s not that I didn’t understand Hindi but there’s a big difference between understanding the language and speaking the language fluently. Bollywood films are big and popular in Sri Lanka and my father is an ardent admirer of Hindi films. In fact he is a die-hard fan of Rekha ji. So, Hindi films were always being watched in my house. However, I initially had problem speaking the language and thought of learning it properly. Nothing’s impossible, so I worked on my Hindi and now it’s just perfect.
You are lucky to have got a chance to work with some of the best stars in a short span, Salman Khan being the biggest of them.
(Smiles) I think that has been the biggest high of my career so far. Kick has not only been the biggest hit of my career so far but also is one of the biggest hits in the history of Bollywood. I am truly grateful to Salman. He has been a great co-star and is one of the most humble human beings I have ever come across. I really consider myself lucky since I don’t have a background in films. From Akshay Kumar, John (Abraham) to Ranbir and Saif Ali Khan, I have enjoyed working with everyone.
Kick was really appreciated. Any plans of working with Salman again?
Of course, who wouldn’t want to work with Salman but there’s nothing as of now that we are doing but I am sure we will work in the future again. I have tremendous respect for that person.
You also have made quite a few friends in the industry?
Yes, Sonam (Kapoor) is one of my best friends. We really love and like each other. It’s her honestly that makes me her admirer. She is always willing to help. Sonam really inspires me a lot and we also advice each other. It’s our mutual respect that has strengthened the bond.
You also have quite a few big films up your sleeve.
Yes, this is again going to be a very important year for me. There are as many as five films of which two are international projects. It’s not that I will have too many releases this year. I will be shooting for most of these films but there is definitely going to be one big release.
What kind of roles do you want to do?
I feel Bollywood has a very interesting and intelligent bunch of filmmakers and actors today. In fact, they are really coming up with new ideas and are experimenting a lot. There’s really some good cinema being made. I would really want to be a part of this league and do meaningful roles, which people will like. I haven’t planned anything about the kind of roles. I do films and accept roles, which I believe in.
So, you are happy with the response your performances and films are getting.
(Laughs) Absolutely. I am too happy because I am getting a chance to do the kind of films, which I have always wanted to. I am getting good offers and I am really working hard. This is what I had always wanted in life, to work hard and all the right things are happening to me. (TWF)