Nai Basti Traders observe bandh against road widening

Traders protesting outside their shops in Nai Basti area on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Traders protesting outside their shops in Nai Basti area on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 7: Traders in Nai Basti area observed a complete bandh today as a mark of protest against the widening of roads and construction of a flyover by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI).

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The agitating traders, who had gathered outside their shops in large number, claimed that the road and bridge construction works will affect their businesses which are already facing challenges due to consecutive lockdowns and the political turmoil in the region.
“This protest was observed to wake up the NHAI administration and the Union Territory Government from the deep slumber as they’re evicting people from their lands and businesses forcibly,” one of the protestors said.
“We’ve been living in Nai Basti and running our business establishments from this area for the past almost six to seven decades. Now that NHAI has been widening the roads and constructing the flyover against the will of people, Government should settle the affected people somewhere else prior to launching the forcible eviction and demolition drives,” he further said, adding that this is “pathetic.”
Another trader demanded that the NHAI should measure 75 feet distance from the centre of the road for the construction of the flyover to save the lives of the poor people and dependants of habitants of residential houses and shopkeepers.