Naidu asks varsities to produce “future ready” professionals

DEHRADUN: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday said the entire world is looking towards India with great interest today and urged universities to reorient their academic strategies to produce “future ready” professionals.

He said the country has to make the most of its “demographic dividend to grow economically” and the universities can play a great role in this by working in tandem with the governments and equipping students to deal with the future challenges.

“Everything cannot be left to the governments alone. Universities will have to work hand in hand with governments to put the young talent at their disposal to the best use,” Naidu said.

“You must reorient your academic strategies to produce future ready professionals who can deal with the challenges awaiting them. This is the biggest challenge before our universities,” Naidu said, addressing the 17th convocation of the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies here.  (AGENCIES)