Naidu bats for immediate reforms in judiciary

NEW DELHI: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday stressed on the need for immediate reform in judiciary and said it, along with the legislature, should jointly work to ensure that the right candidates are chosen through a transparent selection process.

He said it is necessary for the three institutions — the judiciary, the legislature and the executive — to ensure that there is a healthy coordination and respect for each other for the development of the country.

A statement quoting Naidu said, “The vice president emphasised on immediate reform in judiciary and said that the judiciary and the legislature should jointly ensure that right candidates are chosen through a quick and transparent selection process.”

The National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) Act, which sought to give more say to the Government in the appointments of the Supreme court and high court judges, was struck down by the Apex Court.

The Vice President was speaking at 104th birth anniversary of former Supreme Court judge Justice Krishna Iyer. (AGENCIES)