Naidu takes serious view on display of placards inside Rajya Sabha

NEW DELHI, Mar 6: Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu today took a serious view on the display of placards inside the Upper House, saying he cannot preside over the house if basic decorum is not observed.

Sources said soon after the first adjournment of the House, Naidu raised the issue with opposition leaders in his chamber and made it clear to them that he cannot run the house with some members holding placards.

According to sources, Naidu noted that display of placards and banners is done in a market and it should not be done inside the Parliament.

He reportedly told the leaders that there is a difference between a marketplace and Parliament and he cannot preside over if basic decorum is not observed in the House.

Almost all the parties in the country have been in power in states and at the Centre at some point or the other and the parties should take seriously the concern of people about functioning of legislatures, he said.

People are increasingly getting disturbed over ‘bazar like’ situation inside legislatures, he told the members, urging them to stop this practice.

He said continuing with such ‘unparliamentary’ practices and saying some party has done so in the past is not appropriate and all parties should realise their collective responsibility for ensuring dignity and decorum of Parliament, he told the leaders.

Sources said Naidu also said that a new beginning should be made by doing away with display of placards and banners inside the House.

Several leaders have shared the concern of Naidu in the meeting, with leader of opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad openly disapproving it when one of his party MPs displayed placard in the Rajya Sabha. Naidu also raised the issue in the business advisory committee meeting held later in the day. (PTI)