National Integration Camp organised at Sudhmahadev 

Excelsior Correspondent

NPP leaders Prof Bhim Singh, Balwant Singh Mankota and others during NIC at Sudhmahadev in Udhampur on Sunday.
NPP leaders Prof Bhim Singh, Balwant Singh Mankota and others during NIC at Sudhmahadev in Udhampur on Sunday.

UDHAMPUR, June 19: Sending a strong message to the people of the country and the State that from Jammu & Kashmir to Kanyakumari India was one, NPP organised a 3- day, 39th National Integration Camp at Sudhmahadev in Chenani today.
Prof Bhim Singh inaugurated the camp in the presence of organizing committee for the event which included chairman, Balwant Singh Mankotia, vice-chairman, Dhani Ram Atri and Sukhdev Singh besides secretaries Sudesh Sharma, Mohd Rafiq, Sanjeet Kumar Sharma, Ajaz Ahmed Bhat, Vishav Dev Singh, Mool Raj and Ram Pal Bhagat besides others. Yashpal Kundal State president Young Panthers and Anita Thakur, general secretary were also present.
Prof Bhim Singh disclosed that the first National Integration Camp in 1978 was inaugurated by late Thakur Dass Chanotra, a most loved public leader of Udhampur district. The camp has been regularly organized by the NPP since it was established in 1982 by him under the guidance of late Thakur Dass Chanotra.
Prof Singh during the camp told the media that important sessions would be held on the issues of amendment of Article 370 so that the Parliament was empowered to legislate in the matters of J&K, delimitation of Assembly constituencies in J&K, comprehensive settlement of 15 lakh PoK refugees of 1947, State subject rights to West Pak refugees, Dogra certificate to Jammu youth, regularization of adhoc/ contractual/ daily wagers working in various Government departments, ownership rights to the occupants of Custodian (Evacuee property) besides other issues.
Mr Mankotia divulged that ever since the BJP-PDP alliance had formed the Government in the State, the wedge between Jammu region and Kashmir region had further widened and emboldened the anti- national elements to carry out their nefarious activities. He said that during the last 15 months there were several occasions when ISIS and Pak flags were blatantly waved in Kashmir and the felons were allowed to go scot free. He added that during the National Integration Camp NPP shall oppose and expose the sinister alliance and unveil its perfidious character.