‘Natrang’ stages Hindi play ‘Chor’

A scene from the play ‘Chor’ being staged in Jammu on Sunday.
A scene from the play ‘Chor’ being staged in Jammu on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 23: Theatre group ‘Natrang’ here today staged Hindi comedy play ‘Chor’ written by Rajindra Kumar Sharma and directed by Neeraj Kant.
In the play, one ‘Naresh’ is in sound sleep in the middle of the night which got disrupted by some unexpected noise in the room. To his dismay, he finds a girl in thief’s guise threatening him to surrender money on gun-point.
He pleads for mercy but the thief was undeterred and appeared hard core professional. Incidentally, he was able to grab gun from her and tried to scare her but to his surprise, it was a fake gun.
The girl now changed her tone and started blackmailing him, saying she will shout and blame him for molestation, if he does not surrenders money. Hearing the hue and cry, Naresh’s brother-in-law and wife appeared from the next room and showed their displeasure over the closed room happenings.
When ‘Naresh’ finally surrenders and shows his helplessness, it was revealed that the lady-thief was indeed his sister-in-law who wanted to make her first meeting dramatic and unforgettable.
Actors who performed in the play were Mehak Chib, Adaksh Bhagal, Aryan Sharma and Manvi Devi; lights were designed by Neeraj Kant, Music was rendered by Kartik Kumar and the show was coordinated by Mohd. Yaseen.