Natrang stages play ‘Topian’

A scene from the play 'Topian' staged at Jammu on Sunday.
A scene from the play 'Topian' staged at Jammu on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 13: Theatre group ‘Natrang’ here today staged play ‘Topian’ written by Mani Madhukar under the direction of Balwant Thakur.
The play-a political satire, revolves around two neighbors who pledge to change the political scene of the country.
Each time they come across a person, they meet only those wearing different caps and attire, offering them variety of manifestos.
Each time they identify him as a different person and expect a different ideology from him. This way they succumb to his tactics. Over the time they find that nothing is changing, the slogans of socialism are furthering the divide between rich and poor, quality of life is deteriorating day by day and the security of life and property is at the mercy of God.
Both muster courage and strip the person selling those dreams. Surprisingly inside clothes they find that he is the same person who every time used to come to them in different attire.
The play successfully portrayed that the politicians are the same; they only change their caps and their colors just to befool public. They can be friends and the enemies at the same time, their equations and confrontations change for lust of power.
Artists who played roles in the play were Sushant Singh Charak, Gopi Sharma and Mahikshit Singh.
The lights were executed by Neeraj Kant and the music was rendered by Arti Devi.
The show was coordinated by Mohd Yaseen and the presentations were done by Kananpreet Kaur.