NAUP celebrates Foundation Day

NAUP leaders posing for a group photograph during Foundation Day celebrations of the party in Jammu on Thursday.
NAUP leaders posing for a group photograph during Foundation Day celebrations of the party in Jammu on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 20: National Awami United Party (NAUP) here today celebrated its Foundation Day at party headquarters amidst a jubilant gathering of party workers.
Speaking on the occasion, Sandeep Singh Manhas, founder and leader of NAUP expressed gratitude to all members and supporters who stood by the party since its inception.
“We started this party with a vision to empower every deserving individual in politics, especially those who were overlooked by other parties due to nepotism and financial constraints,” Manhas stated emphasizing NAUP’s commitment to inclusivity and meritocracy in political representation.
He announced NAUP’s readiness to contest upcoming Assembly elections in J&K, promising to provide opportunities to capable individuals who have been historically marginalized by other political entities.
The function was attended by party workers, reflecting the growing support and enthusiasm for NAUP’s alternative approach to politics.