Navreh celebrated with religious fervour, gaiety

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 11: Navreh—the first Navratra was celebrated with traditional religious fervour and gaiety by Kashmiri Pandit community here, today.
In this connection functions were organized by KP Sabha Ambphalla, Kashmira Vahini, All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC),  Nagbal Prabhandak Committee Anantnag, Kashmir Sahik Samiti Trikuta Nagar and Bhagavaan Gopinathji Trust.
At KP Sabha Ambphalla, Deputy Chief Minister, Tara Chand was the chief guest while Minister of Agriculture, Ghulam Hassan Mir was the guest of honour and the noted scholar Dr Ved Kumari Ghai was special guest on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Chief Minister, Tara Chand said Pandits have made lot of contribution in the freedom struggle of the country and it was Nehru who brought democratic order in this country.  The same was strengthened by former Minister Indira Gandhi who made entire world her admirer.
He said it was unfortunate that Pandits had to leave Kashmir under unwanted circumstances but being an intellectual community they still excelled in education in different parts of the country as well as abroad. He expressed the hope that situation will turn normal soon and the community will be able to return to their homes and hearths. On the posting of promotee Pandit teachers to Kashmir valley he said due care will be taken of their difficulties and problems while making the posting orders.
In his address Ghulam Hassan Mir said co-existence is the real philosophy and key to peace and prosperity. He said by dividing the people on the name of religion, region, caste, creed one gets nothing.
He said the prophets and avtars did not work for a particular group of people but for entire universe and their appeal also had an universal application. “Though individuals might have been benefited while we worked for individual interests but as a whole the society was at loss’’, he added.
Mir said no doubt Pandits may have been benefited economically after migration and also got a good exposure outside the Valley but they have lost their identity.
Both the Deputy Chief Minister and Mr Mir assured the gathering that they will see that why the Cabinet decision on giving a rebate of some units of power to Jagti township was not implemented by authorities. However the memorandum given to the Ministers by Jagti camp inmates demanded free power.
Highlighting the religious significance of Navreh Dr Ved Kumari Ghai said that Neelmat Puran the ancient Hindu Dharmik granath of Kashmir has a detailed description  on the subject. She said that on this day people in Kashmir were praying for prosperity of mankind. She said Kashmir has produced great scholars and Indian esthetics is incomplete without naming the Mamtacharya and Abhinav Gupt.
In his presidential address K K Khosa highlighted the role of Sabha in 100 years of its existence in general and during the 23 year long turmoil in particular. Annual report was presented by S L Bhagati general secretary of the Sabha while vote of thanks was given by Ashok Braroo, senior vice president of the Sabha.
A large number of people including a sizeable number of women attended the Navreh function organized by Kashmira Vahini at Sanskrit Bhawan at Roop Nagar today.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Agnishekhar convener PK lauded the efforts of KV in organizing the women force for reclamation of Homeland and expressed serious concern against sabotage in passage of Hindu shrines Bill by N C and Congress. He also cautioned the community against the vested interests and saboteurs.
A penal discussion by women scholars was the main highlight of the function.
Dr Kshema Kaul while expressing here grave concern over the emerging threat to negative birth rate and social disconnect of the KP youth in diaspora urged the community to intensify the struggle for homeland. Naina Saproo stressed the need to inculcate the idea of the religo -cultural heritage among the young generation while Prof Veena Kaul stressed on the importance of preserving and promoting the ethno cultural identity of KPs in exile. A musical programme was also held on the occasion.
On the occasion Master Ankit Hashia who mesmerized the audience by singing a Kashmiri Bhajan was awarded.
To celebrate the Navreh a function was also organized by ASKPC here. The function was chaired by Prof P N Trisal. Others who spoke included the president of the organization H L Chatta,  Swami Kumar Ji and M K Kaul.
They besides highlighting the religious significance of Navreh also stressed on unity among the community. On the occasion Shiban Khebri a freelance journalist, Kuldeep Raina and Prof P N Trisal were felicitated.
Another function was organized by Anantnag Nagbal Prabhandak Committee at Tumal Bohri here under the chairmanship of M K Bambroo its president. A large number of people attended the function. On the occasion prashad was also served to participants. The women participants were also given “Athuru’’ and packet of salt as a ritualistic affair.
Navreh was also celebrated at Bhagavaan Gopinathji Ashram Udaywalla today. On the occasion Guru Geeta recitation competition was held among children to promote Bhagavaanji’s consciousness in the youth.
The participants who bagged 1,2, and 3 positions in their respective groups were given prizes. In his address Prof P N Trisal lauded the role of the Trust in serving the community.
Another function was held at Kashmiri Sahik Samiti Trikuta Nagar village Enclave. On the occasion Prof P N Trisal was the chief guest who delivered a lecture on the religious significance of Navreh. A large number of people attended the function.