Naya Jammu and Kashmir in Modi Era

Balbir Ram Rattan

In the annals of India’s history, the story of Jammu and Kashmir stands as a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of decisive leadership. It is indeed highly appreciable and a matter of great satisfaction that the data related to the internal security in Jammu and Kashmir points towards deep decline in the terrorist attacks, deaths of security personnel and the killings of common citizens in violence in Jammu and Kashmir during the last about ten years. This shift in the security landscape is not merely a statistical trend but a reflection of the unwavering commitment of the BJP-led NDA government under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
For years, Jammu and Kashmir grappled with the scourge of terrorism, which posed a grave threat to national security and the well-being of its people. Previous Governments, mired in a policy of appeasement and hesitant to take firm action, saw the situation deteriorate, leading to deadly terror attacks, frequent strikes, and disruptions to daily life. However, under the stewardship of Prime Minister Modi, a new approach emerged-one that prioritized decisive action and empowered the security forces to tackle the menace of terrorism head-on.
The Government’s policy shift, granting a free hand to the army and security forces, marked a significant departure from the past. Instead of waiting for approval from New Delhi, the forces were empowered to identify and neutralize anti-national elements and those involved in the proxy war launched by neighbouring country. This decisive stance sent a clear message that terrorism would not be tolerated, and those responsible would face the full force of the law.
Central to this transformative journey was the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A-a bold and historic decision that brought sweeping changes to the region. By removing legal barriers and integrating Jammu and Kashmir more closely with the rest of the country, the government laid the foundation for comprehensive reforms and development initiatives. Today, the region stands united, with no strikes, bandhs, or incidents of stone-pelting disrupting normal life-a testament to the return of peace and stability.
The impact of these measures is evident in the resurgence of the tourism sector. Figures show a significant increase in tourist arrivals, with over two crore visitors flocking to the region, including a record number of foreign tourists-an achievement unheard of in nearly three decades of uncertainty and insecurity. This influx not only speaks to the restoration of confidence but also heralds a new era of economic opportunity and growth for the region.
While one of the major achievements of Modi Government in Jammu and Kashmir has been bringing peace back and inducing a sense of safety and security among the people, it granted citizenship rights to the West Pakistan refugees, restored the genuine rights to the daughters of the soil, provided political reservation to the Scheduled Tribe community, upgraded Jammu railway station, added night flight service, started direct flights between Srinagar and Jeddah for the facility of Haj pilgrims, gifted two AIIMS, established medical colleges at the district levels and prestigious educational institutions like IIT and IIM, included Srinagar and Jammu to be developed as Smart Cities, free health insurance of rupees five lakh to every citizen under Ayushman Bharat, extended benefits of various schemes like PM Awas Yojna to the houseless, released free gas connections to the BPL families, financial assistance under PM Kissan Samman Nidhi, Mudra Yojna, Jan Dhan Yojna, Beti Bachao Beti Padao, Ladli Beti, 10 percent reservation to the economically weaker sections among the general category and so on. The lists containing the development projects and the welfare schemes are too long and one would wonder to know that so much was not possible in few years, had Modi not been Prime Minister of the country housing a population of 140 crore people. His tenacity, coupled with a clear vision for the region’s future, has set a precedent for effective governance and transformative change. As we reflect on the strides made over the past decade, it is clear that the journey towards peace and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir is far from over. However, with steadfast leadership and a commitment to the welfare of its people, the region is poised to realize its full potential and emerge as a beacon of hope for the rest of the country.
The transformation witnessed in Jammu and Kashmir over the last decade is nothing short of remarkable. It is a testament to the power of decisive leadership and the resilience of the human spirit. As the region charts a new course towards peace and prosperity, let us not forget the sacrifices made and the challenges overcome on this journey. With continued dedication and unwavering resolve, the future of Jammu and Kashmir shines bright with promise and potential.
The success story of Jammu and Kashmir under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership serves as a shining example of what can be achieved with political will and determination.