NC adopting duplicity on Pandits problems: KHC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 8: Kashmiri Hindu Conference (KHC) which met here, today under the chairmanship of its president M L Thusoo criticized the duplicity of the NC led coalition in the State for not setting the problems of the displaced Pandits which have compiled for years together.
The meeting alleged that the Government has slept over maintaining  socio-cultural ethos of Hindu-Muslim unity in the Valley and instead of bridging the gap between the communities same has been widened.
Accusing the Government of remaining harsh towards displaced Pandits, it said the much talked about PM’s employment  package for KP youth announced in 2008 has not been implemented till date in toto.
It said the Temples and Shrines Bill has been kept hanging giving a free hand to land mafia. The decision regarding payment of HRA & CCA arrears in favour of migrant employees has not been implemented and the satellite township for the rehabilitation of displaced Pandits has not been considered, it added.
The meeting also welcomed the resignation of Ashok Bhan from Apex Committee and said the Committee has failed to come up to the expectations of the displaced people.
P L Koul Badgami, K L Ganjoo and other senior leaders of KHC attended the meeting.