NC calls for Assembly session to discuss flood package

NC general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar addressing press conference at Srinagar on Thursday. —Excelsior/Amin War
NC general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar addressing press conference at Srinagar on Thursday. —Excelsior/Amin War

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 18: Opposition National Conference (NC) today called for a special session of State legislature to discuss the rehabilitation of flood victims of the State and asked the Centre to reconsider the flood rehabilitation package.
The NC General Secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar while addressing news conference said: “Government of India should reconsider the package. This is wrong and it does not convey a good message to the people of the State. This is a Muslim-majority State and if the BJP Government, deals with the situation in this way, then it gives a wrong signal. The situation here is sending a wrong signal.”
The NC leader said the State Government should immediately convene a special session of the Assembly to discuss the issue and a unanimous resolution be brought to highlight the demand of the people. “We ask the Government, if they have any conscience left and feel the pain of the people, to immediately convene a special session of the assembly to have a thorough debate over the package and sent a unanimous resolution of the State legislature to the centre highlighting the demand, the necessity and the requirement of the people. “We cannot allow PDP and BJP to insult and humiliate the flood victims in such a brazen and sadistic manner,” he added.
The NC leader expressed surprise over satisfaction of Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu with the flood package. “We are surprised. He is saying he is satisfied. But the other PDP leader has advised the party to part ways with the BJP.  The Finance Minister has humiliated the people of the state. What is there in the package for the people affected by the floods?” he asked.
Sagar took on Chef Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, saying the Chief Minister had said he will make the people of the State happy before the Holy month of Ramadhaan. “Has he been able to do that? Are people happy now? No,” he asked.
The NC leader said his party was in touch with various trade organizations to formulate a joint strategy to pressurize the centre for a comprehensive rehabilitation package. “The people, business men, tourism players and trade bodies were waiting for the package. Rather than healing the wounds, this package has rubbed salt on them. We are in touch with them,” he added.
The NC leader said his party wanted the Assembly elections last year to be delayed so that the victims of the tragedy were rehabilitated first, but PDP was in a hurry as they saw their own benefit in that.
Speaking on the occasion, NC provincial president Kashmir, Nasir Aslam Wani, said the state government had failed to pursue the package submitted by the NC-led coalition.”The package of Rs 44,000 crore was submitted after consultations with all the stakeholders. We had kept in mind the parameters of the Uttarakhand package. We had kept escalation of costs from 2012 and the pattern of constructions in mind as well to formulate the proposal,” he added.