NC, Cong vitiating atmosphere in Jammu: Jugal

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 13: BJP State President & MLA Jugal Kishore Sharma today charged the ruling National Conference (NC) with vitiating the political atmosphere in Jammu province to promote its communal and pro-autonomy pernicious agenda.
Talking to reporters here today he said the NC in particular has turned so vindictive against the nationalists forces in the State that it is implicating innocent persons to take revenge against those who played very important role in the historic Amarnath land row agitation in 2008.
Mr Sharma expressed deep concern over the latest move of the Coalition Government in the State to implicate two innocent youth after a gap of five years. Why did the Government take such a long time to challan them in the court of law? he asked and added that the very fact that the State Government has acted after such a long time is a clear proof that its intentions are not only ill-designed and ill-motivated, but are also calculated to create communal tension in the otherwise peaceful Jammu province.
He also expressed his solidarity with all those who suffered during the 63 days long agitation.
Sharma said that it is strange that while the State Government has not taken any step to implement the August, 2008 solemn agreement between the Government and the Shri Amarnath Sangarsh Samiti, (SASS), it has, on the contrary, let loose its police to harass the innocent citizens of Jammu. He reminded the vindictive and communally motivated NC-Congress Government that as per the agreement even those booked under various cooked up charges had to be released and the families whose members sacrificed their precious lives during the great agitation and the trading community and transporters, who had suffered huge financial losses during those two months of agitation in Jammu, were to be adequately compensated.
BJP chief warned the State Government that any move on its part to implicate the innocent people in criminal or other cases would only lead to a massive agitation in Jammu province. State general secretary Bali Bhagat and Senior leader Prof. Hari Om were also present in the press conference.