NC highlights Mufti Govt’s failures in Srinagar DDB meeting

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINGAR, July 1: National Conference today lodged a strong protest in the Srinagar District Development Board meeting that was chaired by the Chief Minister at Sher-e-Kashmir International Convention Center.
National Conference General Secretary  Ali Mohammad Sagar stated that the PDP-BJP Government had come to power after politicizing the natural calamity that hit the State in September last and had tragically then gone on to abandon and disappoint the same flood victims.
“Although PDP clearly and insensitively exploited the September floods for political gains, the party then went on to not only disappoint the flood victims but also humiliate and insult them. For you to say the flood victims should give you years to receive crucial succor and relief is an atrocious premise that shelter-less, impoverished and devastated victims of a natural calamity can wait for an eternity till an elected Government wakes up to its responsibilities. Your Government has not only sabotaged the Rs 44,000 crore Flood Relief Package but has also been a part of the cruel joke that the Central Government played on the flood victims through its 500 odd crore flood relief package” , the NC MLA from Khanyar, Ali Mohammad Sagar said in the meeting.
The NC General Secretary also expressed disappointment at the paltry allocation of a mere Rs 100 crore for all eight constituencies of Srinagar and said this was unarguably the worst case of discrimination against the State’s capital city.
“Not only has your Government failed to do justice with the developmental needs of Srinagar, but you have also demonstrated a very tragic and unfortunate streak of political vendetta by stopping work on all landmark developmental schemes and works that were initiated during the tenure of the Omar Abdullah Government”, he added.
The NC general secretary lashed out at the PDP-BJP Government for their injustice with the traders’ community, the employees’ fraternity and with the youth of this State.
“All your pre-election posturing and rhetoric when it comes to the demands of the employees has turned out to be hollow. As far as the youth are concerned – all your Government has given them thus far is instability, chaos and uncertainty about their future – which is a sad conclusion to your party’s moralistic lectures and sermons before it came to power”, he further said.
“We were led to believe by your Finance Minister and by your party that he would end the misery of the flood victims and bring the State back on track to fiscal health and routine within 45 days of taking over. Today it is a fact that your Finance Minister is being publicly criticized for his role in sabotaging the Rs 44,000 crore flood relief package by your own legislators, Ministers and Members of Parliament”, he further said
Asking the administration to wake up from its slumber and rise to the challenges of post-flood reconstruction of infrastructure in Srinagar, Sagar asked the Government to immediately start the restoration of all choked drains, dilapidated roads and defunct street lights in the city.