NC leader concerned over traffic jams, NH closure

Excelsior Correspondent

BANIHAL, Mar 7: National Conference (NC) District Ramban president, Mir Sajjad Shaheen has expressed concern over the frequent traffic jams and closure of Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH).
In a handout Shaheen said that people living across J&K especially in Kashmir, Banihal and Ramban have been left at the mercy of landslides that disrupt traffic on the only all weather road connecting the valley with rest of the country.
He claimed that mismanagement and lack of coordination among construction companies and Traffic Police deployed along NH has completely failed to regulate smooth traffic on the roads as daily road commuters and public in general have to remain stranded in traffic jams for hours together especially between Banihal and Ramban stretch of the NH causing inconvenience to students, patients, employees and others.
The NC leader further said that the current administration lead by LG must look into reasons for the condition of NH going from bad to worse and the road widening project has only led to increase in problems like increase in landslides and shooting stone incidents causing immense losses.
He urged upon the administration to make the Pantihal Tunnel functional at an earliest so that no lives are lost in future due to shooting stones.