NC stages walkout, accuses Govt of non-serious on flood situation

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 6:  National Conference MLAs led by former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today staged a walkout from Legislative Assembly over failure of the Government to reply to a call attention motion on the situation arisen due to landslides in Kangan constituency.
National Conference MLA Mian Altaf sought reply from the Revenue Minister to his call attention motion on the situation that has risen due to heavy landslides at Ramwari in his Kangan constituency.
The Ministers, who were in the Assembly in absence of Revenue Minister, were unprepared to reply and Speaker Kavinder Gupta said that it will be taken up later as Minister was attending proceedings in Legislative Council.
Minister for CAPD Choudhary Zulfkar Ali said that the Minister Incharge was not present in the House so the reply will be given later after he comes from the Upper House.
This angered the NC members who resorted to protest over the issue saying that the Government was taking the House non-seriously. Led by Omar Abdullah, NC members staged a walkout from the House in protest.
Speaking to the reporters outside the Assembly, Mian Altaf said, “the Government is non-serious in the House– their ministers were unable to reply to my urgent call attention motion. This has happened for the first time in the history of Assembly that Government and its ministers have failed to reply to the call attention motion”.
However, CAPD Minister Ch Zulfkar dubbed the walkout as unjustified and said, “due to change in the business of the House following protests by the MLAs during Question Hour, the Minister Incharge Revenue left for Legislative Council to answer some questions there”.