NC will come up with comprehensive programme for rehabilitation of stone pelters: Omar

PULWAMA: Alleging that all the major gains in decreasing the footprint of security forces, mellowing down of Public Safety Act (PSA) and efforts to do away with AFSPA were put into a chasm by the former PDP-BJP led government, vice president of the National Conference (NC) Omar Abdullah on Saturday said his party will come up with a comprehensive programme for rehabilitation of stone-throwers.

“Once NC comes to power will make renew efforts to bring respite to people,” former Chief Minister Omar said during an election meeting here today.

“I have already taken an undertaking that once in power with a strong mandated government we will obliterate PSA from the law books of the State. During my previous stint as CM, I brought some changes to the PSA law to make it more juvenile friendly. In my tenure, I raised the issue of decreasing the footprint of armed forces in various areas; my Government actually did lessen the grid of bunkers,” Mr Abdullah said. (AGENCIES)